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Ready for School


On or about April 10, 2020, the Owner submitted a Statement of Interest (Attachment A) to the MSBA for 
the CES Project. The MSBA is an independent public authority that administers and funds a program for 
grants to eligible cities, towns, and regional school districts for school construction and renovation projects.  
The MSBA’s grant program is discretionary, and no city, town, or regional school district has any 
entitlement to any funds from the MSBA.  At the December 15, 2021, Board of Directors meeting, the 
MSBA voted to issue an invitation to the Owner to conduct a feasibility study for this Statement of Interest 
to identify and study possible solutions and, through a collaborative process with the MSBA, reach a 
mutually-agreed upon solution.  The MSBA has not approved a Project and the results of this feasibility study 
may or may not result in an approved Project. 

As indicated in the MSBA’s enrollment letter for the City of Newton’s CES, and as agreed upon by the City 
in signing the Study Enrollment Certification, the design alternatives may be evaluated as part of the 
feasibility for the Proposed Project in accordance with the following: 
• Enrollment for Grades K-5 in the Countryside Elementary School, 340 students. 
• Enrollment for Grades K-5 in an expansion of the Countryside Elementary School, 465 students. 
In addition, it is anticipated that the feasibility study will review the problems identified in the Statement 
of Interest at the CES. 



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